Project Director, a team of functional experts,
a team of technical experts, the BPA Consultant
are the change agents for organization and the
success of BPA implementation depends on them.
They should be provided a detailed training covering
the total overview of BPA, its implementation
strategies, thorough know-how about BPA, its features,
benefits, pitfalls, bottlenecks, leaks and noises
etc. Functional team should understand before
and after situation of BPA implementation, its
customization, various queries etc. Technical
team should understand tits & bits of all technical
features. These change agents are nodal agencies
for communicating with employees of their organization
and extensive training will restore confidence
in BPA. This training program should be full time
for around 3 to 4 full working days dedicated
for BPA. It is advisable to plan at a different
location away from a company for example in a
Resort or Company Guest houses etc.