Business Process Automation-Enterprise Solutions & Implementation Center

Enterprise Solutions Lab: This Center focuses on Enterprise Solutions and development of Implementation procedures for these Solutions. A significant focus of the center is on evaluating some of the best Enterprise Solutions available worldwide and benchmarking them. Further, the solutions chosen by iStrat for forming alliances are evaluated thoroughly in this center before formalizing the alliances. Implementation procedures are devised and defined in according to various Business Cultures based on geography, size and nature of business, i.e. verticals.


Implementation Process Lab:This Lab focuses on development of Implementation procedures for the identified Enterprise Solutions. Implementation procedures are devised and defined in according to various Business Cultures based on geography, size and nature of business, i.e. verticals.


Archimed Enterprise Document Solutions Lab:This Lab is focused on developing a deep understanding of the Document Life-Cycle in Client organizations throughout Asia and the application of Archimed in them. An area of focus is also on improvement of existing features and identifying further functionality that could make the Business Processes more efficient & effective. Localization issues relevant to Asia are also being researched upon.


Globalization & Localization Lab: This lab is focused on aspects of the Enterprise Solutions that need to be changed or modified to suit various business cultures across different geographies. The technical, linguistic, business culture, social culture and regulatory & compliance matters are studied.



