has developed its own methodologies to make the
process of solutions development and implementation
more efficient. However, iStrat understands that
some Client's might have invested lot of time,
effort, money and other resources into developing-and
more importantly-implementing their own software/technology/product
development methodologies or processes. Hence
iStrat does not impose any of its methodologies
but adapts to the Client's processes if the Client
so desires. However, if the Client does not have
their own methodology or wants to use iStrat's
methodologies then they can.
It is important to follow some sort of a structured
approach. However, iStrat understands that requirements
will change, time-to-market requirements might
change and iStrat is flexible enough to work things
out with its Clients-guaranteed! iStrat also understands
that the Client might find a requirement to increase
the human resources on a project suddenly within
a very short time period in response to certain
market developments. iStrat tries to accommodate
its Clients to the fullest extent possible.
iStrat follows software development procedures
that are lightweight, fast and practical. Fundamentally,
iStrat believes that it is difficult to expect
complete specifications to be frozen in the dynamic
environment of today's Enterprise.